Horse 75x60mm

£7.30 + VAT

We have designed two ranges of friendly animal shaped badges. “Animal Only” badges have limited space available and are therefore best suited to having just first names engraved. Animal Plus badges have had text boxes added to give enough room for another two lines of text.

Animal Only badges cost only £6.99+ VAT each complete with your text engraved.

Animal Plus badges are only £7.29 VAT each complete with your text engraved.

FX1 or FX2 are included in the price  Mag 1 – £1.10 + vat extra  Mag 2 – £2.20 + vat extra View Fixings

To order online simply complete the details and  “Add to Cart”. You will need to”View Cart ” to see the complete contents of your cart and proceed to “Checkout”  The option to Download Order Form  is also available if you would prefer to fill one in and return it to us.



Badge Colour


Product Total: 7.3