New Kids 2

£1.60 + VAT

P&P £3.95 + vat per order.

Why not use our “new kids” badges to welcome your new intake this year. These bright exciting badges will help to put a smile on children’s faces and they will feel much more at home when teacher remembers their name. Our badges are also great if you are having any school trips or events.

To order online simply enter the text you want on the top and bottom lines and upload a list of the childrens names or you can list their names in the” tell us what you want” box or download an order form to complete and return it to us.

Please note that all text should be entered in the case you want, for example, if you require all uppercase text then type your text in UPPERCASE.

Badge size 58mm diameter

Download Order Form

Upload list of names

(max file size 8 MB)

Top Line

Bottom Line

Tell us what you want

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